Get motivated with a live community, meet great instructors and enjoy habit creating classes.
Don't wait any longer to feel better. Choose any live class and hop into it.
Our amazing instructors are here to help you. Feel better with over 2700+ live classes per month. Get to know our instructors in fitness, yoga, meditation, self-help, nutrition and more.
Become part of the Studio Plus community from day one. Get motivated and bring out the best version of you with other people.

Join over 2700 classes with freedom of choice in fitness, yoga, meditation, self-help, nutrition and more.
Forget about pre-recorded videos and feel the human touch of our instructors with live lessons. Start feeling better with care.
There is a reason for this. Start feeling good with live classes and top-class instructors.

Join us to access over 2700+ live lessons and customised programs. We look forward to working with you!