Instructors / Mine Yücel
Mine Yücel
Mine Yücel
976 students
Mine, I am a Psychologist and Family Counselor, I believe that I maintain my profession with loving, researching and good communication. In my studio trainings, my intention is to ...
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Mine, I am a Psychologist and Family Counselor, I believe that I maintain my profession with loving, researching and good communication. In my studio trainings, my intention is to support you to approach your journey of self-knowledge from a different perspective with mindfulness practices and meditations, as well as psychological tips, and to experience the support of keeping a diary in the healing process. It will be my priority to open trainings that support increasing your self-care skills, recognizing your emotions and discovering your mistakes in your thinking style, and I believe that we can talk about the course contents together.
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destekleyici ve güven verem pratik için teşekkürler🙏🏻
23 02 2023, 18:30
kendime yaklaşmamı bu kadar nazikleştirmesi peki? 💘
23 02 2023, 18:30
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