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Namaste! The Light Inside Me Greets the Light Inside You.. She has been interested in the subjects of Astrology, Tarot, Numerology, Yoga, Meditation, regression, death and beyond, ...
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Namaste! The Light Inside Me Greets the Light Inside You.. She has been interested in the subjects of Astrology, Tarot, Numerology, Yoga, Meditation, regression, death and beyond, Existence, where did we come from, where we are going?. What is our purpose in life and the reason for us being here?. She was interested in and researched ancient and lost civilizations such as Egypt, Atlantis, Mu. Her curiosity about the first Tarot and fortune telling with playin cards began at the age of 14. Her interest to Erich Von Daniken's books such as Chariots of the Gods and Isaac Asimov's Gods of the Sun began at the age of 16. She studied Business Administration at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Between curiculum courses, her interest to elective courses such as in Death and Beyond continued. After graduation, she returned to Turkey. As of 1996, she has read books on Kryon and Ramtha on channeling information and followed their seminars. As of 2002 , after completing the Reiki 1-2-3 initiation, she became a Reiki Master. in 2005, she attended the seminars Labyrinth 1-2 of Vernon Frost, a South African Healer and Regression therapist. In the same year, she received the Deeksha initiation from Carl Johan Calleman, the author of The Mayan Calendar and Transformation of Consciousness. As of 2010, she was initiated to Ra Sheeba which is the force of universal life, working with the Egyptian Goddess Isis and Dragons, establishing our connection with love. After receiving Ra-sheeba initiation, she began her sessions together with Reiki. As of 2015, she was qualified for the Deeksha practitioner certificate from Oneness University in India. She has participated in the Collective Golden Age Consciousness Meditations of Oneness University in Turkey, India and Italy and is still participating regularly in their studies. As of 2019 and 2020, she has taken Basic and Intermediate courses in Karma Astrology from the school of Oguzhan Ceyhan and Basic and Intermediate courses in Quantum Astrology from Esra Ozkan, an instructor trained by Uranian Astrologer Sevilay Eriçdemin. She continues to take advanced Astrology courses from Esra Ozkan. In 2020-2021, She was qualified the sertificates for becoming EFT-TFFT instructor from Gulay Kıslak and a certificate on reading Numerology from Goloka Coaching and Counseling. She also received a diploma for Mindfulness from Ankara Başkent University. In addition to these teachings , she has completed the Modern Ayurveda 101 class of Ayurvedic health and nutrition specialist Dilşat Yaşar in Ayurvedic nutrition and health issues and is continuing the Modern Ayurveda 102 class. In November 2021, She began Regression Therapy training at TEAK. Her philosophy in life is A Solid Mind is found in a Solid Body, She has been following a healthy and gluten-free diet, Yoga and meditation after she had severe Fibromyalgia attacks in 2015, and thanks to this, the healing that she needs both on physical and spiritual level has begun and continues to inspire others with her road to recovery.
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30 06 2023, 20:15
Aslı Hanım çok tatlı ve pozitif. Bana çok iyi geliyor.🙏
30 06 2023, 20:15
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