Christian Fleck
Christian lived most of his life in unclarity and conflict between intuition and rational thinking. This led to a rollercoaster ride started by a corporate career in marketing & sa...
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Christian lived most of his life in unclarity and conflict between intuition and rational thinking. This led to a rollercoaster ride started by a corporate career in marketing & sales, followed by the fuck-up of his own sportswear brand and a deep crisis. He took a time-out, looked for answers, and found one in cultivating mindfulness. The change that is initiated by not-changing anything captivates him. Today, he trains humans to observe and sense what is – to create mental space and foster clarity.
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Elske V.
Nice to experience the app, the session, the space together.
31 01 2022, 19:50
Steven E.
love your unforced presence my friend!
31 01 2022, 19:50
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