Instructors / Ece Öngeldi
Ece Öngeldi
Ece Öngeldi
15557 students
English / Turkish
Group Sessions✅, 1-1 Counseling✅ Researcher Guide She received B.S. degree in Mechanical and Textile Engineering at ITU, İstanbul. She worked as an international buying and R&...
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Group Sessions✅, 1-1 Counseling✅ Researcher Guide She received B.S. degree in Mechanical and Textile Engineering at ITU, İstanbul. She worked as an international buying and R&D manager for BGN Workshop, Boyner and Chakra brands for 15 years. She started her research studies on MBTI in 2011. During her corporate tenure, she had the chance to observe different character types in business environment and analyzed conflicts and compatibility between people in many local and international projects. In 2018, she had a break from corporate life and started project based studies in buying and business development which led her to deepen her researches about MBTI. She started “Personal Uniqueness Analysis” workshops at Refreshyrslf platform in 2020. She helps the individuals to gain the ability of analyzing their own personal operating systems and discover their distinctive unique life potentials by “Mind.Remix” formation she launched in the same year. She continues her research & synthesis studies and organizes workshops about temperament models created by Carl G. Jung and Keirsey as well as MBTI. Her articles about daily life psychology can be read in cultural organization website: She writes “Aforizmik Mukadder” column in Hardalist humour magazine. She is fluent in English and Italian.

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