Instructors / Gizem Bozer
Gizem Bozer
Gizem Bozer
477 students
I graduated from YogaKioo 280 Hours of Yoga Teacher Training. My journey, which started with folk dance and volleyball in my childhood, continued by being part of Dance and Drama C...
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I graduated from YogaKioo 280 Hours of Yoga Teacher Training. My journey, which started with folk dance and volleyball in my childhood, continued by being part of Dance and Drama Community in my university and afterwards taking High Heels and Modern Dance lessons at DansFabrika. I believe that dance and movement are the most powerful expressions of the mind. I completed Chakras in Asanas I training from Çetin Çetintaş in May 2021 and I continue to learn to specialize in teaching. “The yoga mat is the reflection of life.” It's a saying that I believe through experience over time. Your attitude to all the positive and negative emotions you experience on the mat is a reflection of your attitude to what you experience in life. So, practice is a great way to get to know yourself. I take care to progress in accordance with all levels in the lessons. You can come without questioning your practice, flexibility and strength. Hope to see you on the mat!
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Super cool and clean instructions. Her energy is warm and uplifting🙏🏵️
22 05 2022, 07:11
Şerife .
29 10 2021, 07:30
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