Kitty Fazekas
Welcome to my World. I'm Kitty. Hungarian - Irish. I'm passionate about well-being, wellness and spirituality. I don't follow the "traditional" ways of just focusing on your nutrit...
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Welcome to my World. I'm Kitty. Hungarian - Irish. I'm passionate about well-being, wellness and spirituality. I don't follow the "traditional" ways of just focusing on your nutrition or just your exercise because I recognise the body as whole. "There is an Indian proverb that says that everyone is a house with four rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional, and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time but unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person." — Rumer Godden So this is exactly what I offer. Beside helping you to get your nutritional needs sorted I will also assist you with the other parts like your mental, emotional and spiritual side. (Body, Mind, Soul) We all heard about emotional eating, right? Can you see where I'm going with this? 😁 My approach is down to earth and sustainable for the long term. I mainly specialise in Weight Loss and everyday well-being. I would love to connect with you all and have a chat. I'm sending you Love and Light 🦋 Kitty
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excellent 😍😍😍very informative and vey useful
11 05 2023, 11:20
🍭🍭🍭thank you for the useful information 😍
24 04 2023, 11:20
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