Mesra Şendir Süren
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Group Sessions✅, 1-1 Counseling✅ Mindfulness Modern Instructor of the "Mindfulness Alliance". She was born in 1986 in Istanbul. After graduating from Istanbul University the Fa...
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Group Sessions✅, 1-1 Counseling✅ Mindfulness Modern Instructor of the "Mindfulness Alliance". She was born in 1986 in Istanbul. After graduating from Istanbul University the Faculty of Literature, Department of Information and Document Management, she worked as a Health Sciences Librarian at Koç University Suna Kıraç Library for 7 years. During this period, she received the "Outstanding Achievement in Student Development and Support" award. She is a graduate student in BAU Educational Technology Program and a Cultural Heritage student at Istanbul University. She has edited 4 books since 2016. Yoga, cycling, swimming, jigsaw puzzles and reading makes her very happy. At the beginning of 2019 she met with Mindfulness and so happy to concentrate his attention in a gentle and impartial manner. Immediately after, she completed the "Mindfulness Alliance" Instructor Training Program, aiming to bring Mindfulness to everyone in need.
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Yaşar Deniz K.
Farkındalık Mucidi’m ile “Bırakmak” üzerine; bırakamadıklarımıza dair bu kez ters bir bakış açısı ile tutunduklarımızın aslında Biz’i Hayat’a bağladığına dair Günlükmania’ıda olmak; yazı da Nefes bulmak; hareketin gücü ile Gün’e enerji almak; kitaplar arasında Hayal’e dalmak kimi var ki bırakmak değil bırakmamak elzem olan; su gibi, Nefes gibi peşinde olursak, Hayat da oluruz gibi #Umut 💙
14 01 2025, 09:22
Merve 🌊🎈☁️ T.
Bir Balonun gücüyle, gökyüzüne çıkarken beraber olmanın, umudu yeşillendirmenin gücüne tutunuyoruz. Bundan büyük zenginlik var mı?
14 01 2025, 09:22
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