Instructors / Nesrin Ademoğlu Özdemir
Nesrin Ademoğlu Özdemir
Nesrin Ademoğlu Özdemir
9908 students
Nesrin Ademoglu Ozdemir is a full-time YogaKioo certified Hatha and yin yoga Flow Instructor. She was born in Russia in 1983. She has a way of bridging her love for movement with h...
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Nesrin Ademoglu Ozdemir is a full-time YogaKioo certified Hatha and yin yoga Flow Instructor. She was born in Russia in 1983. She has a way of bridging her love for movement with her passion of helping others, she always has been keen on to connect with others and touch them deeply. First she met with Yoga in Russia while she was studying in her master degree in 2007 and after she always keep practicing while she lived in London and California. She Loves explore the world and herself and share her experience with others. After 15 years corporate life experience in 2019 she took the leap to focus solely on what was true to her heart. Nesrin has since taught yoga both nationally and internationally. Alongside her yoga teaching she has been offering Reiki Healing since 2010. Her teaching reflect the numerous teachers she has had the opportunity to study under, to mention a few; Cetin Cetintas, Serra Sagra, Ceyda Saltadal, Naghme Moradi and Vitaliy Liyanlin. The core of Nesrin’s teaching style lies in connecting the body, mind and spirit. Nesrin use her intuitive abilities to read the room and therefore tailors each yoga class according to the energy of the group and individuals that are there. She constantly pushes her students to take what they learn about themselves on the mat, off the mat. Nesrin is known for her creative and playful sequences where you get to move through the whole body leaving the students feel a sense of bliss both within the body and the mind. Especially after her corporate life experience she loves work with corporates and make them feel better, increase their performance and productivity meet with them by chair yoga mat yoga and workshops. She teaches in Turkish English and Russian.
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Streching and powerful exercise. Especially your remembering me to breath in and out made the exercise easier because sometimes I forget to breath. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Thank you very much 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
25 06 2024, 08:32
Yaşar Deniz K.
Today is “Dance of Balance” with my lovely teacher “Nesrin” for start to day This is strength This is not only flow This is “Life Flow” 🤸‍♀️🕉️🤸‍♀️
25 06 2024, 08:32
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