Instructors / Shahab Sharif
Shahab Sharif
Shahab Sharif
198 students
Shahab is a Holistic Therapist and personal Health Coach. He specializes in Mind-Body Therapies. He has been teaching, treating and researching in this field for more than 15 years...
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Shahab is a Holistic Therapist and personal Health Coach. He specializes in Mind-Body Therapies. He has been teaching, treating and researching in this field for more than 15 years. He studied Ayurvedic medicine, Bioenergetics, Sujok Acupuncture and the integrated approach to Psychosocial Health under the title of Bioenergy Economy (Energy medicine University, USA). In 2006, he started teaching mind management techniques, including Self-Hypnosis and Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP). At the same time, he began working with Bioenergy-based therapies, and for more than a decade now, while teaching Reiki and Karuna Reiki, he has been using these methods to treat different types of diseases. Shahab believes that wellbeing is the result of having a healthy lifestyle. In fact, everyone needs to learn how they can keep their innate healing power active and strong by reducing stress and tension, as well as managing lifestyle factors such as nutrition, sleep, activity, relationships, and spirituality. Hence, he believes that an efficient and effective treatment is always accompanied by training. In his point of view we don’t need to fight with darkness, we just need to light a candle … Since 2017, he has been the Director of the Psychological Empowerment Department of a non- governmental organization in Iran, active in the field of personal empowerment, which contributes to the psychological and social health of individuals through an integrated approach to health. He has authored articles on the impact of mindfulness on health as a clinical study, as well as mind-body health through Yoga Therapy and Probiotic Supplementation. Now, it’s been years he is teaching mindfulness meditations and holding ayurvedic healthy diet counseling online.

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