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When I started yoga practices after Pilates, I found the opportunity to get rid of the chaos of my mind and have a more intimate meeting with my unique self through yoga. When I st...
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When I started yoga practices after Pilates, I found the opportunity to get rid of the chaos of my mind and have a more intimate meeting with my unique self through yoga. When I started to experience the positive transformation of this journey consisting of these little appointments with myself, I could not resist the desire to share what was so good for me with everyone and I got a yoga instructor training in no time flat.. In 2018, I took 200 hours of Mindfulness-Based Basic Specialization Training with Mey Elbi, and then Advanced Vinyasa, Manual Guidance and Restorative Yoga modules. After completing the Developmental Kinesiology and Yoga Anatomy training for Yoga Professionals from Görkem Dizdar, I took part in Mey Elbi's trainer training in 2019 as one of her assistants. With the impact of mindfulness practices on my life, I participated in Zümra Atalay's MBSR( Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) program and received Mindfulness Life Coaching training from Zeynep Aksoy, David Cornwell and Banu Çeçen. Currently, I am continuing the Yoga Specialization Program with Zeynep Aksoy in order to update myself and keep my knowledge fresh. Apart from these, I had the opportunities to work with many valuable trainers. Before starting the lessons, I would like to talk about what you can find in the practice. First of all, in my lessons; I blend breathing, asana and meditation practices. I focus on the whole body in every practice, but it is always focused on one subject. I put compassion at the heart of practice. Especially self-compassion. Because I believe that everything starts with the change in ourselves first. For this reason, Mindfulness is the area that I am most fed with, so I integrate the knowledge I gained in coaching training into the lessons. It is important for me to be a go-between in the reflection of what we do and experience in practice in daily life and contribute to a holistic process. For this reason, I will try to open you a space where you can turn inside yourself. And of course, the changes in your body will be a gift from these practices :) I invite you to be free from the beliefs that are holding you back or preventing you from exceeding your limit, and most importantly, to enjoy each moment. So let's start!
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cansu h.
İlk dersimden memnun kaldım. Yoga ağırlıklı bir dersti. hareketleri farkli seviye uyarlamalariyla gösterdi Sultan hoca. Emeginize sağlık.
15 03 2022, 16:45