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After having bachelor degree in Boğaziçi University Economics Department and 23 years of banking career, I had decided to be deeply interested in astrology, which is my hobby for...
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After having bachelor degree in Boğaziçi University Economics Department and 23 years of banking career, I had decided to be deeply interested in astrology, which is my hobby for many years, mostly to understand myself and other people. I had 3 years of education for Classical Astrology from Öner Döşer, 2 years for Pyschological Astrology from Gülden Bulut. Then, I speciliazed on Horary Astrology, Electional Astrology, Rectification and Astrocartograpy. I discovered how deep astrology is when I attended various local and international training programs and seminars. Now, I am working as a freelance astrological consultant and publishing a psychological astrology bulletin called Prometeus, led by Gülden Bulut in quarterly basis. As a Sun Gemini, I am going on learning about astrology and as ASC Scorpio, I need to go in deep for the information to understand why and how this knowledge can describe us and all these happenings in the world. I realised the satisfaction of teaching and being a guide with the help of my consultancy sessions. Therefore, I am here to share the knowledge. If you are also having the passion and excitement of learning new things like me, join me. It will be fun to have the same feelings.
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