Instructors / Valentina Baldauf
Valentina Baldauf
Valentina Baldauf
23 students
Get flexible! Valentina’s classes are perfect for those who want to become more flexible or even learn the split, bridge and more. Valentina is a former rhythmic gymnast who was ...
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Get flexible! Valentina’s classes are perfect for those who want to become more flexible or even learn the split, bridge and more. Valentina is a former rhythmic gymnast who was part of the Austrian national team. Since she was a child, she had always loved the fusion of music, dance and creativity. Even after all the pressure this sport required, her love towards stretching never lost any importance which is why she wants to share her experience with others. If I can do it, you can do it too! When Valentina was 16, she had a nearly deadly accident. She broke 3 of her neck vertebras, was momentary paralyzed and saw herself bound to the wheelchair for the rest of her life. Nevertheless, this time was the most valuable in her life as it taught her patience, renunciation, gratitude and stamina as she competed 9 months later at the world championships. This experience showed her that we can reach anything if we want to and do everything we can to fulfil our dreams. Many people don’t believe enough in themselves and don’t trust their potential. It is very important to Valentina to raise every participant’s self-esteem which contributes immensely to progress. Everything starts with a thought. If I can do it, you can do it too!
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It was very nice & relaxed stretching routine with a pleasant vibe. You can tell that Valentina is very flexible, which motivates me to do her next session🤗🤸‍♀️
14 01 2021, 17:30
Betül S.
It was wonderful, thank you Valentina🌺
14 01 2021, 17:30
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