20 December, 20:00 | Self Help & Coaching
Cleansing Limiting Beliefs With Ho’oponopono
Have you ever noticed that when you have a problem, you are always there? We all can get triggered by...
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Have you ever noticed that when you have a problem, you are always there? We all can get triggered by a thought, another person, an event, or anything else. No matter what outer challenges you may have, there's nothing “out there.” It's all inside you. That's where you experience problems and that's where healing needs to happen. Ho'oponopono is a powerful process of letting go of toxic energies within you and allowing your own Divine nature to live through you with awareness and love. It guides us to wake up and live from a place of Inspiration instead of old memory patterns. The more you use Ho'oponopono, the lighter, happier and healthier you feel!
20 minutes
458 students