22 December, 10:15 | Mindfulness
Selfcompassion Meditation
In these sessions I offer you a safe, trusting and self-supporting space where you can return home, that place that...
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In these sessions I offer you a safe, trusting and self-supporting space where you can return home, that place that is always with you; your body. Our temple is a wonderful ally for people who are very mental, with a tendency to self-demand since returning to it the mental noise calms down, you are no longer in the past, nor in the future, you will be with him here and now. Regular self-compassionate practice helps you get out of autopilot and the tendency to multitask that makes us believe more productive people. Between so much doing, external stimuli and distractions we lose the BEING. I wait for you in my class to connect with your body awareness, enjoy living in fullness and self-love.
20 minutes
162 students